The Kôrè Cultural Center
The Kôrè Cultural Center (CCK) is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of art and culture, education through art, social art for behavior change, production and the dissemination of artistic works.
The problems we want to solve:
- Evolving from a folkloric perception of art and culture towards cultural industries,
- Solve the problem of professionalization of the arts and culture sector,
- Facilitate access to the market for artistic and cultural productions,
- Solve the problem of space for the dissemination of cultural and artistic works,
- Fill the absence or lack of education through art,
- Strengthen young people’s confidence in art and culture.
What we want to promote:
- Art and culture professions, cultural entrepreneurship and talent development to make art one of the pillars of development,
- Professionalism and performance in the art and culture sector,
- Economic opportunities and possibilities for industrialization of artistic and cultural professions,
- Youth cultural entrepreneurship through capacity building.
- Citizenship and cultural diversity.
The areas of action of the Kôrè Cultural Center
Kôrè Cultural Center, for whom?
The Kôrè Cultural Center is aimed at :
- Artists,
- Children and Young People,
- Cultural actors,
- Cultural organizations in Mali and elsewhere,
- National and international partners,
- Decision makers,
- Consumers of cultural products
Our promise to you!
Through our actions we commit and promise to:
- Raise awareness through awareness through Art for behavior change,
- Promoting Maaya Entrepreneurship in Africa and beyond,
- Ensuring people’s access to culture,
- Promote artistic and cultural expressions (performing arts, visual arts),
- Strengthen the capacities of artists and cultural actors,
- Decentralize cultural life,
- Promote creativity and innovation,
- Encourage and support young talents (artists and cultural actors).
Added value of the Kôrè Cultural Center
The Kôrè Cultural Center has contributed to making Ségou a city of cultural excellence in Mali and Africa and has helped to increase its notoriety throughout the world. It gave a perspective to young artists and cultural actors from Ségou, Mali and Africa.
Discover the Kôrè Cultural Center in pictures
Satisfaction of our beneficiaries
We measure the satisfaction of target populations and partners with regard to the actions carried out by the Kôrè Cultural Center (CCK) through:
- The massive participation of populations in activities,
- Involvement and ownership by the populations,
- Testimonials and messages of support sent by partners and stakeholders,
- Financial, material and logistical support provided by partners and decision-makers,
- The sustainability of the various actions and achievements,
- Collaboration continues with partners from different projects and programs.

Appel à Candidature_Formation des JEC_Oct2024
Appel à Candidature_Formation des JEC_Oct2024
Lancement de la ferme écologique expérimentale dans le cadre de la journée culturelle et environnementale du projet JEC (Jeunesse Environnement et Créativité) du CCK ce samedi 06 juillet 2024 à la Fondation Festival sur le Niger.
Ségou’Art – FSN 2024 || Inauguration of the Kôrè Cheikh Anta Diop Media Library
Followed by a talk-debate moderated by Pr. Ibrahima Wane and Mamou Daffé, a tribute to Cheikh Anta Diop, held this Saturday February 3, 2024 at the Kôrè Cultural Center as part of the 20th edition of Ségou 'Art - Festival on the Niger.
Our partners

Contact us on social networks
Sébougou – Near the Town Hall
BP 39 Ségou, Republic of Mali
Phone : (+223) 21 32 01 70