About the Korè Cultural Center - Ségou in Mali

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Korè Cultural Center

Created in February 2011 by Mamou Daffé and his team, the Kôrè Cultural Center is dedicated to the promotion and development of arts and culture, Art and Education, artistic production and dissemination, as well as ‘for research via its Kôrè resource center and media library.

It is also dedicated to training entrepreneurs and young artists from Mali, Africa and elsewhere through its incubation program called “Kôrè-Qualité” in partnership with the Kôrè Institute of Arts and Métiers (IKAM).

The Kôrè Cultural Center constitutes a reference center in Arts and Education in Mali and Africa meeting the expectations of artists and cultural operators by offering them opportunities for specialization and professionalization in the professions of culture, organization and management of cultural actions.

The CCK essentially operates within the framework of the following five components:

  • Arts & Education
  • Resource Center
  • Production and Dissemination of artistic and cultural artworks
  • Art and WASH
  • Cultural patrimony

Current projects of the Kôrè Cultural Center

Current projects consist of our different components :

  • The Maaya and Citizenship program is built around the concept Arts & Maaya for Social Change – AMCS, and is linked to the “Art and Education” component of the Kôrè Cultural Center (CCK) which implements citizen construction actions through citizenship education, artistic-pedagogical workshops on storytelling, theater, bogolan and painting.
  • The Social Art component of the BESEYA BLON project is coordinated by the Kôrè Cultural Center in Bla and Kati as part of a partnership between One Drop, CNHF and WaterAid.
  • The Social Art component of the SCOFI project is coordinated by the Kôrè Cultural Center, which addresses gender-specific obstacles to girls’ education. A project of the Department of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the One Drop Foundation (OD) and implemented by Cowater in collaboration with WaterAid Mali.
  • The AWA Project, ACP-EU Culture Program, support for the cultural and creative sectors in West Africa, is coordinated and implemented by the Kôrè Cultural Center and the French Institute of Paris.




CCK projects

The future projects and partnerships of the Kôrè Cultural Center are as follows :

  • Maaya & Citizenship Project (Arts & Maaya to Educate – AME);
  • Maaya & Beseya Project
  • Youth Environment and Creativity Project
  • AWA Project (ACP-EU Culture Program, support for the cultural and creative sectors in West Africa) with the French Institute;
  • Social art component of the “Beseya Blon” project with WaterAid Mali and One Drop;
  • Social art component of the “SCOFI” project with Cowater and One Drop.

Contact us on social networks

Sébougou – Near the Town Hall
BP 39 Ségou, Republic of Mali
Phone : (+223) 21 32 01 70

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