Maaya ni Beseya Project

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Maaya ni Beseya Project

The Kôrè Cultural Center, after 8 years of experience and collaboration with development organizations in the field of WASH, functions as a resource center, orientation, advisory support for communities in matters of WASH (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation), particularly in the design and production of artistic tools, modular training, exchanges of experiences in ASCC[1][2] and structuring according to the AMCS[3] concept as a vector of social change and of behavior on EHA issues.

Thus, the CCK in accordance with its mission of promoting and improving WASH issues through its new Art and WASH component, decided to initiate the Maaya ni Beseya project, to capitalize on the experiences of previous projects with the ultimate objective of capitalizing and to consolidate the EHA ecosystem in a dynamic of sustainable behavioral change.

It is an innovative community development project that raises awareness, mobilizes, encourages and engages communities for behavior change through art with a view to the adoption of sustainable habits regarding access and provision of water, hygiene and sanitation services. This project serves as an interface between EHA projects and communities with a view to respecting social norms and beliefs, in harmony with the local cultural values of Mali.

The AMCS concept of CCK and the ASCC concept of One Drop are at the heart of the theory of change, from a sociocultural and economic perspective for participatory design and the implementation of an adapted action plan.

After the success of the Jini Beseya and Beseya Blon projects with our partners WaterAid Mali and One Drop, the CCK will launch the Maaya ni Beseya project in March 2024 to place its art & WASH approach in a dynamic capitalization and sustainability.

[1] ASCC – Social Art for Behavior Change

[2] T.M One Drop

[3] Art and Maaya for Social Change – the AMCS approach uses different forms of art to educate on WASH and citizenship issues, socio-cultural issues, while drawing inspiration from the societal values of Mali.


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Sébougou – Near the Town Hall
BP 39 Ségou, Republic of Mali
Phone : (+223) 21 32 01 70

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