SCOFI Project
The SCOFI Project
The SCOFI project, an education project which aims to improve the academic results of adolescent girls from 90 schools in the second cycle of basic education in the circles of Bla, San, Baraouili and Ségou. A project of the Ministry of Global Affairs Canada (MAC) and the One Drop Foundation (OD) and implemented by Cowater, which started in the last quarter of 2020. The Kôrè Cultural Center coordinates the ASCC (Social Art for Behavior Change) component.
Monitoring and coaching missions for women’s groups for the development of AGR in saponification, market gardening and sanitary napkins. The groups concerned were those of Boidiè, Massala, Boussin, Dakoumana, Tia, Somasso, Yangasso, Dougoufé, and Kabalasso. Led by the ASCC component team and the IKAM Ségou Coaches, these activities were held from July 25 to August 1, 2023 as part of the SCOFI project to promote the education of girls in Ségou, at the Mail. SCOFI -Cowater Project || SCOFI – AGR
Monthly monitoring and coaching missions for groups of women who develop IGAs in saponification and production of sanitary napkins, in the localities of Massala and Dougoufé, as part of the SCOFI Project for the promotion of girls’ education.
Animation session of the Nyeleni Adolescent Clubs (CAN) on gender-specific barriers to girls’ education through the poster “the art of changing together”, in the CAP schools of Bla and Yangasso, as part of the project SCOFI for promoting girls’ education.
SCOFI Project -Cowater//SCOFI
Relive the highlights of the broadcasts of the thematic show on rural exodus, early marriage and domestic work which took place from February 20 to March 1, 2024 in the CAP communities of Sanando and Baroueli, as part of the SCOFI project for the promotion of girls’ education in Mali.
Looking forward to the next steps!
As part of the SCOFI project, the CCK, ASCC component manager, celebrated International Women’s Rights Day (March 8, 2024) with women’s groups and the godmothers of the Nyeleni Adolescent Clubs, with the participation of the SCOFI team from Cowater, and the Director of the Kôrè Segou Cultural Center, Mamou Daffé.
Training workshop for members of the management committees of IGA focal points on marketing techniques
SCOFI || Income-generating activities of the SCOFI project with training in Saponification from the Mouso Djoyoro women’s group of Massala in the Ségou circle.
Recap of the celebration of International Women’s Rights Day (March 8, 2024) as part of the SCOFI project, organized by the CCK, Responsible for the ASCC component, with women’s groups (AGR) and the sponsors of the Adolescent Clubs Nyeleni (CAN), with the participation of the SCOFI team from Cowater and the Director of the Kôrè Cultural Center, Segou. Mamou Daffe. Happy birthday to our brave ladies! Looking forward to March 8, 2025!
Animation of CANs on rural exodus and domestic work at Cap de Ségou.
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Sébougou – Near the Town Hall
BP 39 Ségou, Republic of Mali
Phone : (+223) 21 32 01 70